Today, we witnessed during morning registration the release of another school newspaper, the ambiguously titled 'Fertilisation Initial' in addition to those already present: INK, Access, and the Weekly Newsletter.
asdasdafsdfsidufjsidjasfsdg asfsudfhusidfh gis adfsdjgsi dgjdfgjiodfjgiodjfgiojdfigj FIELD adigfjsijgisfjgidfjgidjfg asfisd asfjsdugfsuighdfg sgsfgjuidfjg dfgndfgdfj gdfghfhjgfiohjojgb bhio fj h dtrbhsdifgh sbiofgj bsir tbsr t sdfgb idof b erijb sdf bdsfgieb rb sdfgio sds eio stst st dkf fg QUOTES sdfgb seris esrs rbropsdrgksdr bsdrg sdrkg srogsorkgosr sfgkb sdfg osr bsr bsoerg ertgh bt hk rthk rthsr thaf gdf g d ghfo hktrkh brth rth rdfkh thth thodfthk odfkjkdfgoj fesrs rbropsdrg ksdr gbsdrg sdrkg srogsorkgosr sfgkb sdfg osr bsr bsoerg ertgh bt hk rthk rthsr idjfg asfisd asfjsdugfsuighdfg sgsfgjuidfjg dfgndfgdfj gdfghfhjgfiohjojgb bhio fj h dtrbhsdifgh sbiofgj bsir tbsr t sdfgb idof b erijb sdf bdsfgieb rb sdfgio sds eio stst st dkf fgidjfg asfisd asfjsdugfsuighdfg sgsfgjuidfjg dfgndfgdfj gdfghfhjgfiohjojgb bhio fj h dtrbhsdifgh sbiofgj bsir tbsr t sdfgb idof b erijb sdf bdsfgieb rb sdfgio sds eio stst st dkf fg
Sort of what the new newspaper looks like
We would like to say that we applaud (earlier this morning applause was made, in addition to that of exalted diginified YET humble Head Boy Benjamin Goh's celebration of his birthday) any positive contribution to the reading entertainment welfare of our school, be it be of a competitive nature.
The somewhat anonymous nature of this newnewspaper though, annoys us minimally to some extent.
Afterall, secondary to our purpose of fulfilling the demands of you our readers, is our observation much obliged that we can't help noticing the minimal similarity between the 'Year 13 Camp' article in the newspaper, and our contrasting account here, in particular to paragraph two in the newspaper. Infinitely no offence intended to those behind the new newspaper, but reading somewhat the same narrative twice isn't the most satisfying of pursuits, even if it is one paragraph. Or perhaps it is purely a coincidence, where in that case we applaud the writers behind the new newspaper for also being witness to such an event.
Additionally, a few things in relation this new newspaper have somewhat disheartened us to a minimal degree, and we (Ben, Clement, and Thomas) would like to raise a few points to clear them up uprighteously:
- the mislabeling of two co-editors, or indeed, the three editors of this blog, as being those who were chiefly behind this new newspaper
- we did not arrange for an interview with Mr. Smith
- we did not write any of the articles in such a paper released this morning
- we did not print such a paper (Co-Editor 1 being known to be severely lacking in cash flow, Co-Editor 2 known for excessive loan-consumption, Co-Editor 3 spending much of his money on a certain significant other party)
We hope that the next issue of this newnewspaper does not stir up as much conflict amongst us as this issue has; neither decrease the atom-like reputation of this blog. Please, we don't particularly like (wrong) rumours being spread with regards to ourselves, so we hope we have cleared up them. Indeed, we shall refrain from mentioning the potential people we believe to be behind this new newspaper, until we can get direct confirmation of their direct involvement.
We must say that these editors did have the idea a while back (this led to Co-Editor 2 misinforming a few members of our year this morning (which he regrets uniformly) the allegations that Co-editor one may have been directly responsible for the articles printed in the new newspaper today, however, we seek possibly to deny these accusations with the utmost prejudice) to release in addition to this, this blog in newspaper form.
However, the release of the exceedingly glossy and righteous student newspaper recently, that is INK, by enterprisingly agile glorious members of the year below that of us, meant that we gave up on our giseye newspaper idea rather quickly.
Review of Fertilisation Initial:
- monochromatic. INK, to us at least, not that our opinions matter a great deal to anyone of concern much obliged, is much more pleasant on the giseye
-/+ blocks and blocks of text (would be much enjoyed by those who enjoy reading excessive words)
- lack of identity
+ lack of spelling errors (Co-Editor 2 was much appeased)
+ effort
+ nicely structured
+ nay
Indeed, we were informed a couple of weeks ago by those behind INK that their next issue is due out soon, which we shall look forward to greatly. And unbiasedly, whenever the next issue of Fertilisation Initial comes out, we also look forward to greatly. Just a note that who is behind Fertilisation Initial, if you're reading this, please don't take our above comments in negativity or be discouraged, as we wholly support with all hands uplifted the publication and release of yours, INK, the Weekly Newsletter, and Access, as reading materials for our beloved school.
Our apologies unequivocally for such an article, being of not much positivity, and hence not very pleasant in terms of what you had to read. That is, unless you take unboundable pleasure reading negativity, in which case we have served our purpose of appeasing you readers.
Normal service shall resume very soon, with a few articles and a couple of blogcasts to come up.
- Ben, Clement, Thomas