Sunday, July 27, 2008

GISEYE Report Summer 2008 – Stage 1


As heralded by a sudden change in the weather, here at GISEYE, summer is now upon us. Therefore, what has been achieved thus far? What is currently being achieved? And what will be achieved over the next few months of summer?


With university terms at Durham, Manchester, and Norwich, all finishing at roughly the same time within a thirty day period, it was then decided that the three editors of GISEYE were to experience the joys of travel by British Rail.

This was kick-started by Editor 1 Ben Bradley taking a train from Durham to Manchester, and then consequently a week later, Editor 1 and Co-editor 2 Clement Chew taking a further train from Manchester to Norwich. A week following that, Co-editor 2 took a train back up to Manchester, and Editor 1 took a train to Peterborough, changing for Durham. Previously, over Easter, Editor 1 took a train from Durham to London, Co-editor 1 took a train from Norwich to London, whilst Co-editor 2 took a train from Manchester to London. The formerly described journeys were all interspersed by intensive computer gaming and drinks possibly of an alcoholic nature. Co-editor 1 also succeeded in attaining possible poisoning of the latter-sort whilst Co-editor 2 decided to disperse such liquid over his laptop.

So all in all, the past year for all three editors has been exceedingly brilliant, far surpassing our collective expectations.


Yes it is that time of year again, the time for the GISEYE Awards, awarding to members of the general public of whom we feel are most relevant to the award in question. Much painstaking research and possibly hours of decision-making and analysis has gone into deciding the recipients of these awards. Thus, with no further delays, here they are:

The GISEYE Award for Editor – Ben Bradley

The GISEYE Award for Co-Editor 1 – Thomas Maxwell

The GISEYE Award for Co-Editor 2 – Clement Chew

The GISEYE Award for Most Composed – Chris Ho

The GISEYE/Berita Harian Award for Knowledge – Chris Ho
Possible runner-up – Lee Weng Yew

Chris Ho: for subscribing to the New Scientist Magazine during A Level Physics, and currently as we know it, still subscribing to this metaphorical vortex of physics-related knowledge and consequently humbly impressing us all with his physics/knowledge of most things.

Lee Weng Yew takes the Possible runner-up position for claiming that he’s currently studying at Cambridge University, and consequently proving so, and then in the face of adversity attaining exemplary first year degree results, in the top seventh percentile of results may we add, netting him a colossal 200.00 pound prize which he plans to share with his friends.*


The GISEYE Award for Driving – Woo Yi Xuan
Possible runner-up – Low Su-Zen
Possible runner-up 2 – Thomas Maxwell

YX Woo: many an event that took place over the past three years simply would not have been possible without Woo YX at the wheel of an aluminum-blue Honda Civic with the accompanying soothing lyrics of Jay Chou amongst other highly regarded artists here at GISEYE. Rumours are abound that YX plans to start a ‘Safety YX Driving School for Noobs’ in the near or far future.

Low Su-Zen takes the Possible runner-up position, for despite being completely against the odds, utilising her personal transportation option a number of times over Christmas to transport members of the public short distances.

Coming up rapidly behind Low Su-Zen is Thomas Maxwell in the Possible runner-up 2 position, as his parallel parking abilities are somewhat highly regarded, by even the multi-award winning Woo Yi Xuan himself, whilst also claiming to provide various journeys of a public transport related nature.

The Clement Chew Award for Musical Excellence – Johan Abdul Rahman
Possible runner-up/challenger – Jia Weii Hue

JAR: with numerous supporters of this recipient – through identifying his possibly hidden great political and diplomatic talents some say only matched by Chris Ho himself - already having created a Facebook group requesting him to run for the Presidency of a yet to be named country; The Clement Chew Award for Musical Excellence goes to Johan Abdul Rahman, currently studying at a university of music whilst also incredibly somehow managing (how, we do not know as of yet) to find time to play in a band. Also, for providing much enjoyment of a musical nature one night last summer when two of your allegedly misguided editors blundered their way through Heritage Row to witness a performance of his former band which has now been disbanded featuring Co-editor 2 Clement Chew at the helm of a weapon of a keyboard.

The Clement Chew Award for Bravery in the Face of Danger – Sin Chun Wai
Possible runner-up – Clement Chew

Sin Chun Wai: for managing to fool an assailant of African descent who held a knife to his groin one night out in the darker depths of London, that he in fact, did not at that time possess great wealth nor favours of a surprising fornicating nature that he wished to bestow upon the knife-wielding fellow, and thus he escaped unharmed, and went on to enjoy the rest of the night, safely.

Clement Chew takes the Possible runner-up position for his efforts contributed towards crowd control in the face of various yob-related behavior under his current job as Events Steward at various stadia around the country.

Which brings us nicely on to our next set of awards.

The GISEYE Award for Staying Safe – Woo Yi Xuan

Apart from one incident which will not be mentioned where he partook in unusual quantities of specific variants of beverages one night and much hilarity thus ensued.

The GISEYE/Jusco Award for Fashion – Simon Mo
Possible runner-up – Andrew Chan

For always managing to be in fashion whatever the time, place, or occasion that presents itself.

And for Andrew Chan, exclusively (though not all-exclusively) on the football pitch.

The Thomas Maxwell Award for Sporting Fitness – Verun Narula
Possible runner-up 1 – Brian Tan
Possible runner-up
2 – Woo Yi Xuan

Verun Narula: the award named after the colossal bastion of stamina, endurance and all things sporting fitness related, The Thomas Maxwell Award for Sporting Fitness goes to Verun Narula for a Michael Chopra-like performance of tracking back many a time during the total domination of a rival school side in the pursuit of football over the most recent Christmas break, a match that will fondly be remembered, remaining in the minds of your editors for many a year to come.

Brian Tan, takes the Possible runner-up 1 position for studying at the University of Bath which is well-known for its sporting facilities; additionally for humbly displaying various colossal photos pre or post-workout on his Facebook for the benefit of all to keep up to date with his progress. Although as to whether this position will be challenged in the near future by a Matthew Sixten Rust who will be attending another university – Loughborough – that is also well known for its sporting facilities, remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, Woo YX takes the Possible runner-up 2 position for a year and five months ago to this date, claiming that he can perform sixty push-ups, and consequently doing so, despite having -13.2% body fat and a heart rate at that time of 386 bpm, all possibly whilst under the influence and simultaneously winning at Age of Empires 2, a computer game that ranks very highly indeed on the GISEYE Current Cool List (GISEYECCL).

The GISEYE/Duke of Edinburgh Award for Should Have Gone to Kinabalu on DOE – Clement Chew

On an unrelated note, reports have it that Clement Chew will not be travelling to Romania for a holiday anytime soon.

The Ben Bradley Award for Extensive Verbal Communication – Kit Perry
Possible runner-up 1 – Nikesh Chahal
Possible runner-up 2 – Matthew Rust

The award so-named after the verbal stronghold well-known for utilising his vocal chords excessively in many a social situation, often to such an extent that others are simply unable to put more than three consecutive words in single conversations, the Ben Bradley Award for Extensive Verbal Communication thus goes to Kit Perry for providing many a vividly moving commentary – some say exceeded in eloquence and clarity only by the well-honed expertise of Co-editor 2 Clement Chew - to numerous blogcasts here at GISEYE over the years, when none others were willing to step up to the plate and be counted in a metaphorical manner. Kit Jimmy Koay Perry was unfortunately unavailable to comment on his award at the time of writing.

Canada’s Nikesh Chahal takes the Possible runner-up 1 position for his reportedly hard man image and numerous encouraging shouts and perfectly timed calls during our final year at GIS U18s.

Matthew 610 Rust takes the Possible runner-up 2 position for challenging the authority of Ellis during SEASAC06 with the carefully chosen words “ELLIS!!#123@$” following a cunning pre-planned Kieron-Dyer-esque ploy of refusing to play out/in of position and consequently quickly losing the verbal battle that ensued – but arguably winning his own moral victory which some say is what really only counts.

The Clement Chew Award for Noise – Chris Ho


The GISEYE Man of Mystery (MoM) Award (formally the Verun Narula Man of the Match (MotM) Award – Matthew Ng

This award given to the enigmatic Matthew Ng based largely on the fact that possibly reluctant GISEYE informer, Abdur, who is reportedly at Sheffield, has not mentioned Matthew Ng in any correspondances thus far to this date. Matthew Ng was unfortunately unavailable to comment on receiving his award.

The Woo Yi Xuan Award for GG – Vincent/Chee-Meng Au

For displaying great skills in the pursuit of RO over the years, despite being abandoned on five separate occasions by various wayward members of the public, of which possibly includes several of your current humbly-serving editors.

The GISEYE Award for Blog Identity Crisis – Lee Weng Yew

Of a visual nature: Lee Weng or Lee Weng Additionally, several departments at GISEYE are rumoured to be incensed at the removal of GISEYE from’s ‘Useful Sites List’, and indeed off the face of ‘The Narrow Road’ completely. Whether this is in retaliation to the some say harsh but fair analysis conducted of the aforementioned blog’s name in an exclusive hard-hitting GISEYE article of months ago; or whether it is due to reportedly falling out on sixty-three separate occasions with GISEYE; or indeed whether it is because of the amicable well-meaning kick to the groin administered by a certain Clement Chew to Lee Weng Yew one night in London over the most recent Easter period, with several witnesses present including your humble editors and Bus Number 92 bound for Tottenham Court Road, all remains to be seen.

With no links whatsoever to what has just been said, we would just like to take this opportunity to state that GISEYE collectively believes that Lee Weng Yew is a well-liked, extremely humble, conscientious, knowledgeable, honest, often out-spoken yet some say that there is a sensitive side to the hard man image portrayed, and always operating for the greater good, gentleman. GISEYE would also like to wish Lee Weng Yew all the best in his future studies and pursuits in life, and that Clement Chew has possibly been issued with a formal warning about his actions of a physical nature towards such a sterling example and that we can stress that there will be no physical contact from Clement Chew over the next 150 days.

The Thomas Maxwell Award for Business Studies – Amanda Leung

The award so-named from the Best in Year 13 for Business Studies Award-winner himself, goes to the hard-working Amanda Leung for the hard work, sweat and toil put in to achieve the 2:1 in her Business Studies degree at the end of her first year at respected London educational institution the University of Westminster.

Our fullest congratulations to the awards winners of this decade of awards; you can all collect your awards upon meeting either of the editors in person with certain criteria not specified as yet to be met as a requirement deciding forward nature.


This is GISEYE, signing off.

Stay safe.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Manchester Evening News Arena of a Positive Nature

In response to possibly overwhelming demand, and in line with the current Facebook Premier Football trend; after hours of close deliberation, study of Football Manager 2008, past performances, goal scoring exploits and disciplinary records amongst others, and names of fellow former dwellers of the hallowed rustic nature of sixth form, we here at GISEYE have produced a 'GISEYE Select' team of approximately eleven players of the game football, which we feel if placed onto Facebook would indeed have an impact:

In other news, Co-Editor 2 Clement Chew has reportedly had a 12 hour shift at the M.E.N. Arena but at least he got to catch the FINA Tournament Finals live, Co-Editor 1 Thomas Maxwell has managed to successfully transfer himself from his Gran's house to UEA, and Co-Editor 3 Ben Bradley is currently residing in KL.

Also, with a growing surge in demand for digital cameras of late that completely caught us off our guard, and with Co-Editor 1's recent attainment a year ago of a digital camera; the great yet humble YX Woo has managed to produce within the space of 3 min 10 sec, an informative yet simulataneously absorbent video describing such a technological marvel, to rival even the most Extended versions of Co-Editor 2 Clement Chew's narrations on several of our blogcasts.

Click here to view: 'DIGITAL CAMERA'

We'd like to take this opportunity to recommend taking a visit to The narrow road which if unverified reports are accurate, is rumoured to have based on recent weather trends, a purely-physics based post on the electrical phenomena that is thunderstorms of late..

Stay safe

Friday, April 04, 2008

Barenbrug Bar 10 RTF

In what is likely to spark off a round a copy-cat posts at other blogs in the post-sixth-form blog realm, here is probably our most informative piece of information to the date of 4 April, 2008, providing you with a exclusive no holds-barred look into the inner runnings/structure of this very cumulation of mildly entertaining, arguably a step above, drivel of a positive nature, that is, giseye.

Other News
In other news, reports indicate the rise of an up-and-coming new blogger on the current sixth form horizon, named Martin Grey, his/her blog can be found at the attentively named Martin Grey's Diary not to be confused with the similarly named Checks indicated that he was of class 7G, located in room G6 for morning registrations. Further reports though confirmed that in fact he was not of class 7G, lower secondary. Additional reports after that later led us to discover that he was indeed a writer for the up and coming newspaper 'Perspective', which is based in the intellectual fountain that is school. Further reports suggested that there was a 33% chance that it could be Anonymous review, who indeed according to additional reports penned a further two articles in the latest issue of Perspective, thereby increasing the probability of it indeed being Anonymous review fourfold to the previously mentioned probability.

Analysis by your humble subservient editors drew up the conclusion that the layout of the blog of Martin Grey was indeed strikingly similar to Domo Argigato Mr Roboto, ofzim. Unfortunately, lacking in intellectual stimulation we were unable to come up with anything of a furtherly conclusive nature. However:

Further analysis of this mysterious predicament that we now currently find ourselves in, drew us naturally to the Perspective article entitled 'Grass field - Astroturf Field' which we felt was of particular relevance to this investigation, as was 'Poetry anthology 2008 winners' amongst others.

Grass field - Astroturf field
With two of your editors here at giseye previously featuring in what some say was the Golden Generation of the GIS footballing Alma mater (goals conceded tally of 1 before seasac06), others, state that they really weren't as good as they looked, others still, that they failed to convince fans of the merits of other sports such as swimming, and others still, spoke of the unpredictable nature of things such as life in general; we feel that a traditional grass field would be more suited for the hallow ground that is stadium tunku negara gis bhd. We would also like to take this opportunity to suggest the Barenbrug Bar 10 RTF variety, that we may possibly be affiliated with, of which the Barlexas II synergy which comprises 45% of the Barenbrug Bar 10 RTF mix, is reported to have "Excellent wear tolerance once established; good winter colour", and also features on many a Premier League club ground reportedly.

While you possibly wait for our next release or simply choose to never visit this site ever again, we cordially invite you to spend the time listening to the whole 18min18sec of what some say are the increasingly melodious tones of Co-Editor 2 Clement Chew, whose tones indeed are reported to possess a small but increasingly closely-knit fanbase, and to those musings of a subservient nature of Thomas Maxwell and those non-subservient though visibly wholesome Australian vocals off a certain Chris Ho amongst others, all found in our latest blogcast found coincidently below.

Linking in with the above, now for a short temporary new feature of giseye entitled Game:
Burn the Rope

We would also like to take this opportunity to state that we hope that quality will improve in the coming future.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

GISEYE: University and Snow.

A little object for your amusement while we wait for Chief Editor Ben Bradley to return from Malaysia.

Stay safe:
The GISEYE Team.

Watch till the end. It's well worth the wait.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

GISEYE London Special Edition.

Some scenes edited and lots of witty comments added. Enjoy!

Stay safe:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blogcast Number: I've lost count.

A mini cast to let everyone know what's going on.

Stay safe,
GISEYE North West.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Post Term One: The December Holidays


What we have served up for you now:

  1. Blogs
  2. Where are we now? And what are we doing?
  4. Paintball
  5. Victory of a football-related nature
  6. New Year’s Eve
  7. Go-kart racing
  8. What we think will happen in the future

Recent events have seen the eruption of two new blogs on the post-sixth form related blogging horizon: the 'the diary of menz', which after much analysis we believe could either be a clever play on words on 'The Diary of Anne Frank' or on the song 'The Diary of Jane' by current popular band Breaking Benjamin, a band that amongst other things, have featured on numerous WWE video games. The wittily named 'Domo Arigato Mr Roboto' was also launched prior to the diary of menz, having adopted a simple, light white theme, in direct contrast to the more darker visual musings, but no doubt of high quality, of the latter blog.

Both blogs have provided much possible literal enjoyment for all three editors.

In other news, has undergone a total makeover, changing its title to 'The narrow road'. Whether this is in reference to the claustrophobic narrowness of Jalan Kiara 3 due to the sudden preposterous parking of vehicles along helpfully painted yellow lines after 2.20pm weekdays; or to the alleged narrow roads of popular student entertainment destination Cambridge; or indeed to Matthew 7:13-14, as the well-respected writer of that blog states in his latest update, all are possibly contentious issues in our minds.

Also happening, the challenge-to-type (not to be confused with, which appears to be written by another person who surprisingly is also called Ann and is also of the age 18), recently released a >1300 word essay of an update, however we believe the said person is possibly confused as the introductory paragraph stated "noone reads my blog anymore" which directly contradicts with what we experienced, and thus made us question ourselves and possibly our very existence...

Where are we now? And what are we doing?
Against popular opinion and trends, we have opted not to go for deep and dark emotional musings in our literal content at this present state in time.

Instead, at exactly this present state in time, your three humble editors are currently residing exactly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, having been here for the past three weeks or so, having been beaten in the travel-related race back to KL by the ultra-competitive yet humble Weng Yew by a margin of just over a mere 6.04 x (10^5) seconds.

The obvious first choice for us was a visit to school, however we unexpectedly instead found ourselves in the establishment ‘1utama’, and proceeded to watch the film I Am Legend of which we all highly approved of although the ending where Will Smith dies and the woman and child find safety in a survivor's colony and Bob Marley's song Redemption then plays, could possibly have been better.


Much sporadic lan parties fuelled by refreshments of an ethanol-related nature to add to the general sense of merriment, whilst also consuming steak to a greater degree, have been enjoyed since, excessive compliments to the organisers. Although a post-morning mcdonalds experience was of a negative nature due to chilli being added to the tomato sauce metal container for the benefit of Maxwell who was much displeased and unfortunately did not receive a rightful full refund, reports of inaction by a ChrisHo with regards to acquiring the refund were attributed to such.

An also rather violent paintball session (accolades going to the well-experienced Clement Chew) also followed, in which two cars were damaged severely, Verun ‘panadol’ Narula, whilst many others almost had to go to hospital though did not.

An unfortunate incident involving a paintball gun and car of Rust esq.

Further misfortunes experienced with the car of maxwell esq.

Victory of a football-related nature
The past couple of weeks saw the planned coming together of several post-sixth formers (including two of your subservient editors) of our current generation, plus the second shortest member of the Perry lineage of whom we all owe much thanks to of a football-pitch-acquisition-nature, and also an appearance by the older of the infamous Chan brothers, to all indulge in a light game of 10-a-side full pitch football against a spirited similarly-aged side hailing from the North American regions of Mont Kiara of which we have enjoyed a friendly rivalry with over past years, the same we are unable to say about our fellow British A-Level and IGCSE-providing rivals also located in Malaysia, whom we enjoy an even friendlier rivalry with.

First to open the scoring at around precisely 3.33pm was a certain M Rust (supporter of well loved EPL club ManU), who after a clever through pass, managed to somehow divert the ball attached to his leg past several dangerous opposition players into the back of the opponent’s net, GIS then chose to revert to a fully defensive formation (10) in order to protect this massive lead for the remainder of the game. Despite this however, GIS then managed to score a further eight goals.

Heroics from Australian goalkeeper JasonYeoh (who appears not to be related to the well-respected, cheerful, larger than life fellow that is a ChrisHo), who was making a pre-planned return to KL some say solely for the purpose of treading the goal-line of this hallowed ground that is stadium tunku negara gis, were not enough for GIS to gracefully concede a grand total four goals.

The final score was 9-4 to some say arguably the greatest side ever to grace the current green grass of GIS, others say this statement is not true at all, whilst others on the other hand, choose not to have an opinion on this subject at all.

Mention should also go to democratically voted Man of the Match Verun ‘man of the match’ Narula, mentioned earlier in a paintball-related incident, who put on a sterling match-winning performance covering for central defenders B Bradley and A Chan, and also provided moral and further covering support for ‘power surging runs upfield’ Maxwell in some cases.

Further mention should also go to the highly successful strike partnership of BrianTan and the aforementioned M Rust, whose chemistry of a footballing-nature was a sight to behold that indeed possibly all three of your editors did indeed stop all their current activities at that time, that included defending, and call of duty 4, just to behold the sight that was the chemistry of BrianTan and M Rust on that successful afternoon. No doubt credit must also go to BrianTan’s chemistry teacher of year 12 and 13 who arguably had a part to play in such an exquisite football relationship.

Even more further mention and accolades must also go to the plucky opposition team who gave a well-respected performance, and we must say that all involved on our side thoroughly enjoyed that afternoon. No doubt the cardiovascular benefits of such an afternoon will reap even greater rewards in the coming future for all involved...

New Year’s Eve
Spent partly by co-editor 1 at the Mandarin Oriental amidst the welcome company of several well-respected members of our post-sixth form generation, however we agree with the calls of a spirit-related nature by, which would have possibly improved the evening even more so.

Apparently only one taxi is allowed to drive to the lobby of the Mandarin Oriental every two hours, and also apparently the current value of a small bottle of tiger is RM40. Therefore we would advise against spending money on such items for the time being until macroeconomic deflation occurs.

Co-editor 2 opted for the relatively cheaper depths of Souled Out, Hartamas, amidst the company of a certain M Rust, ChrisHo, and de Regt, amongst others. A certain knight was also rumoured to have made an appearance, much to the unwarranted yet exhilarated violently emotional reaction of ChrisHo.

Greater analysis is currently ongoing of the facial posture expressed by blue shirt wearing well-respected individual in top right corner, and of the symmetrical pattern appearing on the bottomost shirt of the well-respected individual with a cheery expression on his face, the glaring fire hazard in the middle, and also of the fist held aloft by far-most right well-respected individual which we believe is not in accordance with general martial art practices

Co-editor Chew whereabouts were reported to be of a family-related nature.

Go-Kart Racing
One fine Friday morning, several people (including Co-editor 2) happened to meet at 69 Jalan TR9/6, all with the similar intentions of going to Extreme Park Sunway for a Go-Karting session. Once the relevant transportation options had been arranged and Maxwell woken up and ready a brief stop was made at the local 7/11 store to buy drinks of an energising nature. It was predicted that such an event would pass without any inconvenience but once back in the car a certain ChrisHo noticed an irregularity within his bottle of 100PLUS, the contents of his bottle had seemingly began to solidify into misty white-ish particles that remained suspended in the liquid. Immediate outrage was declared by ChrisHO followed by a refusal to drink the 100Plus and then an immediate confirmation of him never purchasing 100Plus from this particular 7/11 ever again.

All problems aside, the journey continued towards Extreme Park, Sunway without any incidents of note (Driven expertly by Adriaan DeRegt of course). Upon reaching the destination it was found the majority of extreme park had been turned into a quarrying site with the means of possible re-development in the future, leaving a relatively small area of land for the Go-Karting track to go. A general disappointment was to be had with regards to the current state of the track and a quick decision was made that it was not worth the RM65 for 20 mins on a track of this nature. Brainstorming of possible replacement tracks commenced and it was decided upon the “Track next to the highway going to the airport”. Following the ever reliable directions of ChrisHo a path was etched towards said track. After 45 minutes, spending RM16.40 on various Toll PLAZA’s, visiting PutraJaya, ending up back at Extreme Park and making an estimated 16.5 ‘U’ turns we finally condescended upon the unnamed track.

The races were rather eventful with many spins, crashes, broken arms/legs, snapped accelerator cables, and overtaking manoeuvres. These following videos and photos will hopefully depict the events with enough vigour to satisfy your ever important needs.

Chris Ho there, demonstrating what appears to be a force 10newtons strong tae-kwan-do forward horizontal arm thrust with the aim of propelling himself forward in the general direction of the photographer, bypassing bystander Wouter De Regt on his left on the way, having already taken into account of the possibility of colliding with the stationary object that is the petrol tank directly in his path that could self combust and explode at any time

Some of the speeds seen in this video were reportedly rumoured to be well in excess of 160 kph

logical final result

p.s. The videos were filmed by Co-Editor 2 as he was unable to take part in the last 10 minutes due to possible illness.

The future
Thomas Maxwell is set to return to the plains of UAE, Norwich, East Anglia, England, where the experience so far has been reportedly highly enjoyable.

Ben Bradley is set to return to Durham University set in the snow covered masses of Durham, England, of which the experience thus far has been equally as highly enjoyable as the first aforementioned prediction. Photos to follow in due course.

Clement Chew on the other hand, in direct contrast to the two situations above, is set to return to the University of Manchester in rain-swept western-reaches of Manchester, England, where much enjoyment has also been had, he also has taken up Wing-Tsun Kung Fu, and thus is capable of killing.

And now for a highly irregular unpredictable feature of our reports, Song Of The Day, in which we list songs, of the day.

  • Bradley: David Sylvian - For The Love of Life
  • Chew: Nothing at this exact moment in time
  • Maxwell: Oasis - Guess God Thinks I’m Abel

THIS JUST IN: reports have come in of a rumoured planned excursion tomorrow into gis by several blog editors, possibly including the three who pen this blog amongst others. Will update as more news comes in, including – a light fracas incident with security, and whether the predictions listed below are to come true:

  • Large bowls for sinks in the sixth form toilets
  • Possibly a NEW sixth form common room, with straight orange seat backs and a stone pathway leading into the entrance doors
  • Possibly a RELOCATED head of sixth form office?
  • New water fountains all with cold water, completely free of iron oxide
  • Refurbished science labs
  • A new Principal
  • A plaque recognising the contribution to general sixth form life by certain individuals located on the eastern-most wall of the sixth floor of the arts block and also an identical copy located facing directly upwards in the north corridor of the third floor

AND ALSO, has the mysteriously-intentioned Wall of Hands of GIS2007 been destroyed, or are these simply speculative rumours?

All content to be confirmed after tonight, come our next update.