Friday, December 15, 2006

GIS Eye: Bringing you the latest in School Development.

Time for our weekly "eyes" obtained from students around the school. We hope you will enjoy these two carefully taken photographs which depict our very material of being here.

Click on the photos for extremely large versions. Please do, we went to great lengths to provide you with these.

Co Editor 2's brilliant blue eyes. This photo was taken during a free period in the common room, and shows raised eyebrows at their greatest glory. Blue eyes have always been the "Pure" type of gene-unadulterated eyes, and also are becoming scarce by the day.

Year 8 correspondant and friend Sebastian Schellerer's excellent brown daubed with blue eye. This photograph was taken during the swim gala, when Co-Editor One decided to take a break from officialing in the races. Please focus on the centre of the eye, where there is a perfect shade of brown, and then move your gaze with your very own eyes to the side of the iris, where it then begins to be blended in with perfect symmetry.

We hope you've enjoyed the last photos of the year in G1S, and hope for your everlasting support for our little operation here.

Signing off, This is Co Editor One.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thomas has blue eyes and a blonde cock