As most of the students of G1S are aware of, our very beloved pool was in a state of green dishevel a little over a month ago. Your editors noticed this as well, and decided to create an article about this. Now, a lot of discussion has been undertaken on whether it’s really of detriment to the school, and of condescendence, to post such an article about the bad state of the swimming pool. For awhile, your hardworking editors were at a dead end.
And then, fortune was bestowed upon us by the curing of the pool. We witnessed a transition from green algae infested pool to the cool blue that we always saw. Co-editor One, with his lower-secondary contacts nearly rivaling Co-editor Two’s, managed to conduct an impromptu interview with the individual below. Bear in mind that these two photos were taken at different times, once before the curing of the pool, and then the second after the curing of the pool.
Please state your name for the record.
What are your views on the disgusting slime and filth that is our pool at the moment?
Thanks for the curry fries. I think that it is appalling that the school should allow the pool to enter such a state. I hate having to inhale algae every single time I enter the pool. It’s despicable, and I’m sure that every single member of the student population agrees with my opinion. If they don’t…
*At this point, the editor had to back off for a few seconds, after noticing a certain red aura being emanated from the eyes (See what we did there) of this individual*
Okay, okay. Thanks for your time, sir. We shall contact you within a week in order to follow up with the interview.
No problem at all. Just bring me more fries from Buddies next ti… OOPS!! I mean…I now need to brace myself for the worst journey of my life: wading through the green that lies ahead of me.
Our Bloo Pool is restored
Greetings, sir.
Hey dude. Have you got my fri…. OUCH! I mean, Hey I’m fine, thanks.
Now that the school has returned our pool back to its former glory, how do you feel now about the complexity of the issue?
This is superb work by the school! I never would have thought that the school authorities would act so quickly in restoring our pool. Now, if only we had had that change implemented before our only swimming lesson for the term, the positive externality effect would have been multiplied, net social benefit maximized. Now I can see clearly underwater and look at the g… at… oh, nothing.
We’re glad to hear that.
So am I.
Thank you so much for your time, may you enjoy years of clear blue chlorine infused water.
Why thank you. I shall ensure that I will.
By the way, nice haircut.
Go to hell. I didn’t wanna do this. My mom forced me to go to the barbers. Why you…
Okay, okay. We shall leave you in peace.
Give me my chips now!!
*At that point, co-editor one retreated to the safe vestiges of the sixth form common room. One can only hope that this vengeful German individual managed to find peace wherever he is now.*
Now that everything seems to be in order, we hope you enjoyed this relatively late piece of work, and look forward to serving you in the future. Credits go to Mr. Sebastian Schellerer of Year Eight for daring to show his face online. Signing off, this is Co-editor One. Stay Safe. And we hope your life goes swimmingly.
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