Monday, November 06, 2006

A Fortnight Ago In Photos

It has been quite some time since the half-term holidays began and ended, and all of us are really feeling none-the-better knowing that school is back. Of course, all three editors were extremely hardworking, nosy and entrepreneurial before that time. As two of the editors are currently unavailable, see post below, Co-Editor One shall try his very best to entertain the very loyal patrons of this column and the energetic students of G1S. As usual, click on the photographs in order to view a larger resolution.

The images obtained by the high-definition light absorbing device otherwise known as the camera are the joint effort of all the editors together. Well, actually, they were taken during a lazy Thursday just before half-term started. Behold:

The photo above shows, in clockwise motion, Russell Chen, Julian Surname Unknown (apologies), Owen Bendor-Samuel, a certain Chris Ho in the background, Harry Amos reclining on our high quality chairs, a bored Nadhir Kamarudin and finally, a stylish posing Jackson Au posed in purple. An excellent looking IBM Laptop sits on the table on the far right of the photo, and a very well-decorated interior of what is known as the Sixth Form Common Room.

The photo above depicts four characters otherwise known as Zi-Wen, who very kindly offered me a little of her drink, Kit Perry, Owen Bendor-Samuel and a half-shrouded character whom we have no clue. The person whom the glasses in front of the device belongs to is none other than Nadhir Kamarudin. Although it is not visible from this angle, the object of their attention is the chessboard; participants are Kit Perry and Julian Surname Unknown. It was a very close match, but Kit Perry eventually emerged champion. Victorious words from Kit included:


“I Owned you okay.”

We apologize for the (Lack off) quality of the photos, but Editor One was very uncertain about the image-obtaining device at that time, oblivious to the fact that it actually required the Flash to be on in order to be effective. Readers are spared the torture in the following photos.

This photo, taken some moments after the last, shows one of our Enhanced Intellectuals, Weng Yew, and our hyperactive Aarti Samtani, whose features have been excluded due to personal reasons. It is unclear of their actions, but they appear to be Thumb-Wrestling. Aarti, of course, won hands…. Err… thumbs down due to the fact that she possessed double joints in her limbs. A look of excruciating pain (or is it mirth) is visible on Joel’s face as he tries unsuccessfully to bend Aarti’s arm. Better luck next time, Joel Lee Weng Yew!

This photograph of Co-Editor One, the owner of the Image-obtaining device was taken by none other than the person above, who was finger-wrestling earlier with Aarti. Nothing much to see here, except that the foot in the background belongs to Muhammad Fariq.

After a long interval, Mr. Perry got it into his head to decorate Aarti’s clothes as well, with a huge permanent marker. This is the aftermath of Kit’s actions. As you can see, Aarti is questioning Mr. Perry’s motive of redecorating her outfit, and Mr. Perry is attempting to justify his somewhat inhumane act. What happened next is rather hilarious.

Eventually, it got heated to such a point that Mr. Perry was forced to make a quick traversal through the door of the Sixth Form common room, nearly clipping the photo of our beloved deceased Khairul Salim. Here, Aarti is vigilant as she awaits his return. A tentative Mr. Perry can be observed eyeing his victim-turned-predator. Zi-Wen may be seen observing the scenario.

Suffice to say, there was a video recorded of it, but due to unforeseen consequences along with the disapproval of Miss Samtani, there is doubt as to whether the clip shall ever see the light of day. Well, we hope you have enjoyed the brief insight into last Thursday’s scenario in the common room. Below is an unrelated photo that has no other place to be slotted into.

This was actually discovered on google picture search of "Eyes + Close-up". There is nothing more we can say about the clarity of this picture, except that it is depicted excellently. The person who owns this Nikon Camera must feel exuberantly proud with himself for obtaining such a glorious photograph. Now if we only had such a camera...

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