Don't Worry, we're not gone... yet.
Due to recent events, ahem, SEASAC, which two of the three editors are currently attending, there shall be no updates for the next four days. We shall, of course, continue to please patrons to this site by providing random periodic updates as time goes.
If you are unaware of our production process, here it is.
1. Editors brainstorm.
2. The work actually gets done. Equipment include Camera Phones and Digital Cameras (We have yet to include photos from this mass media device)
3. Editors type up report. There will be no dispute over who does what. Editor One scrutinises reports and provides relevant support and approval for postage.
4. Editor in question posts report.
5. Readers enjoy Article.
An Alternative Approach would be.
1. Editors Brainstorm.
2. Individual projects are set out, if an editor becomes ambitious.
3. Work gets done. (Editor is on their own, but may call for additional backup if required.)
4. Editor types up report.
5. Editor submits article to Editor One for Approval.
6. Post appears on column cumblog.
Now, if you may have noticed, co-editor Clement is left in solitary because of the SEASAC. The editor, of course, has output from all the mass-media throughout the week, but requires both advice, proofreading and approval from other editors. Therefore, without this essential help, production cannot continue. It is with great regret that this editor states that valuable students of GIS shall have to yet again endure a long wait for the next article.
Till next time (Monday.), this is temporary.
Signing off, This is Co-Editor One. (Click for bigger photo of this editor's handsome self.)
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